Live Coding Boot Camp: Make Sound using data from CERN
Sabancı University
Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design presents
Live Coding Boot Camp: Make Sound using data from CERN
Guest Lecturer
Konstantinos Vasilakos (ITU MIAM+ICE)
[09.04.2019 - 15:40 // CoSpace]
This workshop will offer a hands on experience using SuperCollider for real time sound synthesis and just in time improvisation, making it
ideal for sound artists, laptop performers, and instrumentalists who want to expand their performance practices.
*No previous experience in programming but some familiarity with terms such as, timbre and signal processing will be helpful.
*Bring a laptop with the latest(stable) version of SuperCollider installed (found at this link: []).
Participation is limited and VA 455 students will be considered as priority. Please send an e-mail to for application.
Konstantinos Vasilakos is a performer and composer of Electroacoustic music. His research interests include sonification, gestural improvisation, and live coding with networked music systems. He holds a PhD in Music from Keele University in the UK, and a Masters degree from the Utrecht School of the Arts, in the Netherlands. His works have been presented in the Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, Greece, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. He has collaborated with leading research centers such as CERN, in Switzerland, and the Laboratoire ACROE/ICA, at the University of Grenoble, in France. At the moment he resides in Istanbul where he is teaching in the Sonic Arts department of the Dr. Erol Üçer Center for Advanced Studies in Music (MIAM), in the Istanbul Technical University (ITÜ), Istanbul, Turkey.