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Uyuşmazlık Analizi Semineri: Hossein Sadri (Girne Amerikan Universitesi)

Sabancı Üniversitesi
Sanat ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi


Urban Wrongs & City Rights



Hossein Sadri

(Girne Amerikan Üniversitesi)
21 Kasım 2018, Çarşamba
SSBF 2054


While cities as collective human habitats were formed during the centuries as a result of multigenerational cooperations of diverse people, urbanization is a power oriented, rapid and massive construction of abstract, hegemonized, hierarchicalized and fragmented spaces and societies. This presentation concentrates on the process of production of urban life and its effects on the emergence of various social and ecological vulnerabilities, and interrogates the possibility of (re)appropriating resilient, free and equitable cities. 

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