Sabancı University officially became a a partner
of the Peace and Conflict section of the HUMANITARIANNET (Thematic Network on
Humanitarian Development Studies).
HumanitarianNet is a network who aims to analyze
the underlying causes of humanitarian crises and formulate appropriate
strategies for rehabilitation and development through educational programs. The
underlying philosophy of HumanitarianNet is based on the importance of
continuing and strengthening the support of a network of universities, specialized
research centers and inter-governmental and non governmental organizations
engaged in the formation of students and professionals in the field of
humanitarian development studies. The six thematic areas of the network are
European identity and external relations, humanitarian action, human rights,
migration, peace and conflict and poverty and development.
joined the peace and conflict thematic group of the Humanitariannet in February
Currently, 14 prestigious European research
centers and universities participate in the Network as members of the Peace and
Conflict thematic group (click
here for the list). The thematic group offers a diploma “The European
Doctorate Enhancement in Peace and Conflict Studies” (EDEN) to PhD candidates
from the participating universities, upon successful completion of the diploma
requirements (See
the website for the program content and requirements)