Graduate Programs
Details about the graduate programs are listed below.
Please click here for PhD admission details or here for Master's admission details.
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The Cultural Studies Program brings together an interdisciplinary group of scholars with a commitment to fostering new ways of analyzing and participating in contemporary cultural dynamics in Turkey and around the world.
Among the few elite in research and education in this part of the globe since more than a decade, the Economics BA, MA and PhD programs at Sabancı University bring together a distinguished faculty with an excellent student body.
The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) program in Experimental Psychology at Sabanci University is designed to train students to conduct experimental research, particularly in cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience.
As an inter- and transdisciplinary PhD program, Gender Studies at Sabancı University investigates how relations of gender and sexuality are embedded in social, political, economic, and cultural formations through a wide variety of academic backgrounds to introduce the doctoral students to the concepts, methods and cutting-edge research that shape gender analyses.
Sabancı University's Graduate Program in History concentrates on Ottoman and Modern Turkish History. It aims to foster fresh, unbiased and critical visions of the Ottoman-Turkish past that are informed by the novel theoretical insights and comparative sensibilities characterizing leading-edge practice in historical studies.
The graduate program in Political Science at Sabancı University provides integrated training at MA and PhD levels.The program offers a comprehensive and up-to-date review of the major fields of Political Science and provides the students with a rigorous conceptual framework, basic analytical tools and sound methodological training in the discipline. The program covers the major fields of Political Science (Comparative Politics, International Relations, Political Theory) and offers a rich set of specialization possibilities. With a thematic concentration on Turkish Politics, Middle Eastern Politics, and European Politics, the program stands out among its competitors in Turkey by its courses and faculty members specializing in formal theory and the production and analysis of quantitative evidence.
The Sabanci University Psychology Program brings together a vibrant group of researchers interested in understanding how people think, feel, and behave. Our graduate program has a strong emphasis on hands-on research experience. Students can take an active role in diverse research projects throughout their studies, as early as their first semester. Moreover, with our connections to other programs and faculties within the University, we offer great opportunities for interdisciplinary and applied research. Students who complete our graduate program will have gained extensive experience in communicating science, through writing scientific articles, and through presenting their research at seminars and conferences. Our goal is to provide a solid methodological and statistical background, develop critical thinking, and provide direct experience and practical skills for every stage of the research process. Our students will have the opportunity to use our state-of-the-art research facilities, including video-equipped observation laboratories, EEGs, online survey software, computer-based behavioral testing cubicles, eye trackers, large group testing spaces, facial electromyography equipment, and electrodermal activity equipment.
Ph.D Program in Social Psychology at Sabancı University offers a research-oriented training by using advanced research methods in the scientific study of human behavior among individuals and groups. Our program has a number of laboratories equipped with cutting-edge technical tools to conduct social psychological research at individual, dyad, and group levels. Doctoral students will gain a solid knowledge of research methods and advanced statistics, and will be actively involved in diverse research projects as early as their first semester. Students will also be able to benefit from other laboratories in the university and have the opportunity to participate in interdisciplinary studies by collaborating with the researchers from other graduate programs.
The MA program Turkish Studies aims to train the next generation of scholars, policymakers, and practitioners and equip its graduate student with necessary skills to analyze, understand, evaluate, and make policies in key areas including foreign and environment policies as well as, energy, urbanization, health, and welfare. The graduate curriculum couples solid theoretical knowledge about Turkish politics with rigorous training on state-of-art methodologies that have become increasingly important in today's world and in the making and application of public policies. With a highly flexible curriculum, which capitalizes on the intellectual and scholarly resources available at one of Turkey's leading private universities, the Turkish Studies MA program offers its students a broad range of coursesin History, Political Science, Economics, Conflict Resolution, European Studies, and Cultural Studies. The core component of the program include a rigorous social science research methods training; several tracks of specialization; a policy internship program and research assistantship opportunities in renowned centers of Sabancı University, including Sakıp Sabancı Center for Turkish Studies at Columbia University.
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