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FASS faculty member Selcuk Ozyurt's Louis-André Gerard-Varet Award


This prize is in memory of ASSET’s first elected president Louis-André Gerard-Varet who passed away in January 2001. Louis-André Gérard-Varet was Directeur d'Etudes at EHESS, and Director of GREQAM at Marseilles and was ASSET’s chairman from 1990 to 1997 and president from 1997 to 1999. ASSET awards Louis-André Gerard-Varet prizes to young authors, either currently graduate students or within two years of graduating at the time of the conference, of outstanding papers singled out by the program committee among those attending the ASSET conference.

FASS faculty member Selcuk Ozyurt won Louis-André Gerard-Varet Award with his article "A Reputation-Based Theory of Spatially- Separated Duopoly Competition and Bargaining" 



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