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CONF 524 students in Bosnia 2012

CONF 524 students in Bosnia 2012

"CONF 524 - Advanced Topics in Conflict Resolution " students were in Bosnia between July 13 - August 3, for the three-week Bosnia-Herzegovina Study Abroad Program led by Teri Murphy. During the program, they met with a variety of conflict resolution experts - from policy analysts, ICTY investigators, education reformers, military integration experts, religious peace builders - to struggling grassroots activists and artists. They learned more in these three weeks than they could possibly absorb in a semester-long traditional classroom experience. 

The students also visited the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina on August 2. Below is the press release by the Bosnian War Crimes Chamber:

"The Public Information and Outreach Section of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina today welcomed participants of the program "Justice and Human Security in Post-Conflict Paradigms" as a part of their longer study visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina.  The group of thirteen MA students of the Sabanci University in Istanbul was particularly keen on learning about the structure, mandate and achievements of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The students heard the presentation about the structure of the Court of BIH and Public Information and Outreach Section activities in the first part of the visit. After that, in a one-hour long presentation of Judge Phillip Weiner, the students learned about jurisprudence of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the war crimes cases and they showed a great deal of interest for the topic asking questions both during and after the presentation

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