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We are proud of our POLS PhD alumni Aylin Aydın’s accomplishments

We are proud of our PhD alumni Aylin Aydın and her accomplishments. Aylin’s paper, "Judicial Independence across Democratic Regimes: Understanding the Varying Impact of Political Competition", is accepted for publication in Law and Society Review, top in prestige among journals in the field of Legal Studies.

She also published another paper co-authored with Cerem I. Cenker, also our POLS PhD alumni "Public Confidence in the Government Empirical Implications from a Developing Democracy" in a very good journal, International Political Science Review, 33(2):230-250. We congratulate both Aylin and Cerem on their impeccable work in this paper.

Upon her graduation from the Conflict Resolution and Analysis program, Aylin was admitted to the PhD in Political science. During her studies here, Aylin received a TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) Scholarship. For the 2010-2011 academic year, she received a very competitive TUBITAK grant that supported her doctoral thesis research on judicial politics as a visiting research scholar at Emory University in the United States. Aylin has recently defended her Dissertation in June 2012.

We congratulate FASS faculty members who contributed to Aylin’s accomplishments, in particular Aylin’s supervisor Sabri Sayarı.

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