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Charming for the Revolution: A Gaga Manifesto

Jack Halberstam | Wednesday, May 21, 2014 | 18.00 Minerva Palas, Karaköy

One of the most important figures of queer theory, Jack Halberstam is going to deliver a public lecture at Karaköy Minerva Palas, Istanbul. The event is organized by Sabancı University Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Gender Studies Club (Cins Kulüp), and Gender and Women's Studies Forum.

Abstract: I propose that even as capitalism shifts course, changes its emphasis and re-organizes exploitation and currency, feminism and other forms of critical thinking also mutate, shift and change course; the cluster of critical responses to capitalism that have circulated in the twentieth century (anti-colonialism, anarchism, socialism, the multitudes, the undercommons, punk, critical race theory, critical ethnic studies, etc.) have also transformed themselves from identitarian pursuits grounded in the histories of exploitation and oppression, to new understandings of solidarity, commonality and political purpose. This talk explores a new version of feminism as it mutates and interacts with innovative modes of activism around the world.

Jack Halberstam is Professor of American Studies and Ethnicity, Gender Studies and Comparative Literature at the University of Southern California. Halberstam is the author of five books including: Skin Shows: Gothic Horror and the Technology of Monsters (Duke UP, 1995), Female Masculinity (Duke UP, 1998), In A Queer Time and Place (NYU Press, 2005), The Queer Art of Failure (Duke UP, 2011) and Gaga Feminism: Sex, Gender, and the End of Normal (Beacon Press, 2012). Halberstam's research areas include: queer failure, sex and media, subcultures, visual culture, gender variance, popular film, and animation.

**There will be English-Turkish translation.

**With the cooperation of SIDA, "Nefret Etme" Project, KAOS GL and Pink Life LGBTT Solidarity Association.

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