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New Faculty: Sunae Kim (Psychology)

As of Feb, 2016, Sunae Kim joined Sabanci university as an assistant professor at FASS.  She had her Ph.D in Educational Psychology from University of Wisconsin- Madison in USA and then worked as a postdoc in Boston, at Harvard, USA and then at LMU Munich in Germany. Her interests have changed over her academic years although they revolve around human interaction and human minds especially young children's. Her Bachelor's degree is in English literature at Ewha Woman’s university in Seoul, South Korea.  Then, after college, she went to Madison, WI, USA for her Phd to study day care quality and early child caring practices but after one semester she switched her research area to social cognition.  During two different postdoc positions, she studied separate but related topics focusing on how young children learn from others and teach others and in the last position she investigated metacognitive abilities in young children (children’s understanding of their own mental states, knowledge states).  Currently, she is very interested in cross-cultural studies, and she is collaborating with researchers in Japan and Mexico. She likes research but she also enjoys teaching. She taught classes throughout her graduate programs and postdoc positions.  She looks forward to meeting you on campus and she's excited to get to know a fascinating city, Istanbul.

Orta Mahalle, 34956 Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

Telephone: +90 216 483 90 00

Fax: +90 216 483 90 05

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