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Senem Aydın Düzgit's New Project: EU-IDEA

EU IDEA will conduct an historical and philosophical investigation of the origins of differentiation, within and outside the EU; analyse differentiation – in relation to issues of governance and accountability and narratives on EU constitutionalism and identity; investigate the practice of differentiation in key policy areas and in light of the prospects for Brexit; and assess the political and public preferences at national level. The findings of our analysis will be instrumental to defining the criteria – at institutional, policy and societal levels – to assess future scenarios of differentiation as a tool of integration (or disintegration) and to develop policy recommendations for EU and national policy-makers with an aim to a more effective and accountable European Union.

Project Partners: The project will be undertaken by the following 15 partner institutions: IAI (coordinator), CER, CIDOB, Royal Egmont Institute, EPC, European News Service, Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Notre Europe, Institut Za Demokratija Societas Civilis Skopje, Institute of International Relations (Czech Rep.), Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institut, Institut Fur Europaische Politik, University of Geneva, Groningen University, Sabanci University.

Project Duration: 36 months (3 years)

Total Budget: 3 million Euros

Orta Mahalle, 34956 Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

Telephone: +90 216 483 90 00

Fax: +90 216 483 90 05

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