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SUSAM, our Arts Workshop Building, was inaugurated

SUSAM Building, which will serve as an Arts Workshop under Sabancı University Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, was inaugurated with a ceremony. Delivering a speech at the inauguration ceremony, Güler Sabancı, the Founding Chair of Sabancı University Board of Trustees, said they raised good students for the world of arts, adding that the workshops in the building would be home to successful projects.

SUSAM Building of Sabancı University Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences located in the University’s campus in Tuzla was inaugurated with an official ceremony. The ceremony was attended by Güler Sabancı, the Founding Chair of Sabancı University Board of Trustees, Professor Yusuf Leblebici, President of Sabancı University, Professor Meltem Müftüler-Baç, Dean of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS), Selim Birsel and Wieslaw Zaremba, members of FASS, in addition to faculty members and students of Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design program.

Güler Sabancı: We raise successful students for the world of arts

Pointing out that they started preparations for the SUSAM Building before the pandemic, Güler Sabancı, the Founding Chair of Sabancı University Board of Trustees, said the following: “Today is an exciting day for me. I sincerely thank everyone who put their efforts in this project. We always wanted Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design program of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences to have their workshops in a place of their own. During the first years of Sabancı University, it felt like we were swimming in uncharted waters with such a different program, but our program became a very successful one thanks to its students, who eventually become artists, and our faculty members who raise them. A beautiful example of this fact is that exhibitions of artists who happened to be in this program are currently on view at the Sakıp Sabancı Museum. I would like to thank our faculty members who raise successful students for the world of arts, and I believe our arts workshops will be home to very successful projects.”

Yusuf Leblebici: We would like this program to set an example for other universities.

Highlighting that they had a program that should set an example for other universities, Yusuf Leblebici, President of Sabancı University, said the following: “Inauguration of this building is a very nice development for us. Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design is one of our most valuable and special programs. It is a program that no other university has, and it makes us really proud for its achievements. Going forward, we would like Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design program to be available in other universities.”

Professor Meltem Müftüler-Baç, Dean of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, said SUSAM building was already in use nearly for 1 year. She continued: “We actually opened SUSAM last year. Our students and faculty members have been working there for 1 year. However, we did not have any opportunity to inaugurate it officially due to the pandemic. We are very glad to be here today all together for the inauguration ceremony.”

Selim Birsel, member of FASS, said although their unit was small, they carried out important projects. Birsel said: “I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the establishment of this building. You can see here examples of some projects accomplished last year. Although we are a small unit, we realize big projects.”

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