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Our student is the winner of the GEARING Roles Competition

Winners of two prizes, namely the Essay Prize and the Research Prize, were selected.

Our student Beste İrem Köse was found deserving of first place among graduate students for her essay in which she focuses on movements in Eastern Europe and Turkey organized against gender equality and the ideologies underlying these movements. As an award winner, she is entitled to an all-expenses paid trip to Estonia to attend the GEARING Roles Conference on March 30, 2022.  

Beste İrem Köse shared her feelings about the award: “In an email sent by GazeteSU in October, I came across an announcement about the Resistances Essay Competition organized by the GEARING Roles. The announcement included an invitation to write an essay of a maximum of 1000 words about resistances to gender equality. On February 7, I received an email from the competition’s representative informing me that I had been chosen as the winner among graduate students. I was so happy and glad to learn about it. I am truly excited to attend the conference in Estonia”.

Beste İrem Köse currently continues to work on her thesis on HIV/AIDS activism with Ayşecan Terzioğlu, member of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, her advisor. 

We congratulate Beste İrem and wish her continued success.

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