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Student Exhibition " Observation Diary" by Nehir Sena Gorur

My ongoing experiment on communication has led me to the desire to

“see differently”. I had the urge to ''see'' life through other filters. Filters

that we have been constantly developing through our experiences in life...

I imagine them as many different eyes which open to different realities.

I want to be able to travel through these universes. Spending time in them,

living a bit until moving to the next, and just experiencing change all over again.

The struggle is to objectively differentiate between illusions and existence.

You are a breathing creature who is very lost in this very unpredictable world.

You have been taught the assumptions and ideas of other humans who are

not very different from you. You follow this path, their path, trying to figure

out how to exist and how to live with yourself. There is no “better” moral that

can be believed in as the honest truth, as reality. What to believe in and how

to live is actually totally up to you! This, we must remember and never forget.




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