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Murat Germen-Ekmel Ertan from VACD received international photo award

FASS / VACD full-time faculty member Murat Germen and part-time faculty member Ekmel Ertan received two Honorable Mention awards in International Photography Awards (IPA) photography competition. IPA is organized in the US and is a prestigious photography competition that thousands of photographers submit work from all over the world ( The 360-degree panoramic Istanbul photos taken jointly by Murat Germen – Ekmel Ertan and exhibited previously in The Marmara Manhattan Gallery, New York received one award in Professional / Architecture / Cityscapes category; and a series from the “Industrial Esthetics” exhibition by Murat Germen to be opened in Garanti Galeri by the end of January 2005 received the second honorable mention award in Professional / Architecture / Building category. Results can be seen at below link:



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