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SPS 102 Mid-term exam today

This is a reminder that the SPS 102 mid-term exam will be held today from 17.50 to 20.20.

Students who take the exam MUST present their SU ID in order to be admitted. On their exam sheets they should also indicate which section they are enrolled in.

There will be additional shuttle buses which will depart from campus at 20.45.

Below you will find the table which indicates where students in particular sections will take the exam. You should note the classroom your section is assigned and take the exam in that classroom. Your failure to do so will result in points deducted from your mid-term.

A1  FASS 1089
A10  FASS 1096
A11  FASS 1098
A12  FASS 1099
A13  FASS 1101
A14  FASS 1102
A2  FASS 1103
A3  FASS 2023
A4  FASS 2119
A5  FENS L061
A6  FENS 2019
A7  FENS L030
A8  FENS L047
A9  FENS L048
B1  FENS L055
B10  FENS L056
B11  FENS L062
B12  FENS L063
B13  FASS G062
B14  FASS G062
B2  FASS G062
B3  FENS G077
B4  FENS G077
B5  FENS G077
B6  FENS G077
B7  FENS G077
B8  FMAN L014
B9  FMAN L014

Orta Mahalle, 34956 Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

Telefon: +90 216 483 90 00

Fax: +90 216 483 90 05

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