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Ekonomi doktora öğrencimiz Haluk Çitçi'nin konferans katılımı

Ekonomi  doktora öğrencilerinden Sadettin Haluk Çitçi 25-27 Haziran 2010 tarihleri arasında PET 10 - Annual Conference of the Association for Public Economic Theory adlı Boğaziçi Üniversitesi'nde düzenlenen konferansa katılarak "Development and Transition to Monogamy" adlı makalesini sunmuştur. 

Konuşma özeti:

This paper aims to answer why institution of marriage in modern industrialized countries evolved to monogamy although wealthy men have tended to mate with multiple woman throughout the history. We present a general equilibrium model of the marriage market where increasing labor incomes of both genders explain this phenomenon. The distinctive mark of this study is that the hypothesis can explain nonexistence of polygamy in modern industrialized countries even in the absence of skill inequality among women and high resource inequality among men. Moreover, we establish several economic factors that can account cross-cultural differences in degree of polygyny among polygynous societies.

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