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Gender Forum Semineri: Anne Fausto- Sterling (Brown University)

6 Mart 2013, Çarşamba 

Sabancı Üniversitesi, FMAN 2137

Saat: 14.00

"How Newborns Become Boys or Girls: A Focus on Development/ Yenidoğanlar Nasıl Oğlan veya Kıza Dönüşüyorlar?

*Konuşma ingilizce olacaktır

* Abstract: At birth boys and girls are not very different in terms of behavior and basic physiology. Yet by two years of age, some differences have emerged, for example in play preferences and activity levels. How do such differences develop? In this talk I will argue that the most common explanations  --genes vs environment ( nature vs nurture), are unsatisfactory. Instead I describe a dynamic, developmental framework for examining the development of behaviors in childhood.

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