Master Thesis Defense: Ömer Faruk Koru
Spillovers between Skilled and Low Skilled Labor Migration in a Multi-Regional Setting
Ömer Faruk Koru
Economics, M.Sc. Thesis, 2015
Thesis Jury
Mehmet Barlo (Thesis Supervisor), Remzi Kaygusuz, Sadettin Haluk Çitçi, Özgür Kıbrıs Bilgin(Substitute Jury)
Date &Time: June,22th, 2015 – 14:00
Place: FASS 2034
We anaylize spillover effects between movements of skilled and low skilled labor in a static multi-regional model featuring three factors of production: capital, labor, and land (an immobile factor). While capital is perfectly mobile, labor from one region can migrate to another with some origin-destination specific probability (induced by the associated immigration policies) after incurring a skill specific efficiency loss also determined by the origin and destination. In this setting, we characterize not only competitive equilibrium allocations of factors of production but also the associated migration levels. Furthermore, we show that policies of host regions favoring skilled labor from one particular region may trigger movements of low skilled labor from other regions even when all the other parameters, including those concerning low skilled labor movement costs, remain the same.