Ana içeriğe atla
Olesya Blazhenkova Sanat ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi Öğretim Üyesi (216) 483 9000 / 3183 olesyablazhenkovasabanciunivedu

Öğretim Üyesi


2006 - 2008, PhD Psikoloji, George Mason University, ABD

2002 - 2005, MA Psikoloji, Rutgers University, ABD

1991 - 1996, BS & MS Psikoloji, Moscow State University, Rusya

Book Section / Chapter
Publications Prior to SU

Blazhenkova, O. &  Kozhevnikov, M. (2011) "Intellectual Styles in Members of Different Professions". In Handbook of Intellectual Styles: Preferences in Cognition, Learning, and Thinking, ed. Li-Fang Zhang, Robert J. Sternberg, Stephen Rayner. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Blazhenkova, O., Kozhevnikov, M., & Becker, M. (2011). Object-Spatial Imagery and Verbal cognitive styles in children and adolescences. Learning and Individual Differences, 21 (3), 281-287.

Blazhenkova, O. & Kozhevnikov, M.  (2010). Visual-object ability: A new dimension of non-verbal intelligence. Cognition, 117 (3), 276-301.

Kozhevnikov, M., Blazhenkova, O., & Becker, M. (2010). Trade-off in Object versus Spatial Visualization Abilities: Restriction in the Development of Visual Processing Resources. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 17, 29-35. 

Blazhenkova, O. & Kozhevnikov, M. (2009). The new object-spatial-verbal cognitive style model: Theory and measurement. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 23 (5), 638-663. 

Kozhevnikov, M., Blazhenkova, O., Royan, J., & Gorbunov, A.  (2008). The Role of Immersivity in Three-Dimensional Mental Rotation.  Proceedings of the Third International Conference  on Design Computing and Cognition. Gero, John S., Goel, Ashok K. (Eds.), 738p. 

Blajenkova, O., Kozhevnikov, M., & Motes, M. A. (2006). Object-spatial imagery: A new self-report imagery questionnaire. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 20, 239-263. 

Kozhevnikov, M., Motes, M., Rasch, B., & Blajenkova, O. (2006). Perspective-taking vs. mental rotation transformations and how they predict spatial navigation performance. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 20, 397–417. 

Blajenkova, O., Motes, M., & Kozhevnikov, M. (2005). Individual differences in the representations of novel environments.  Journal of Environmental Psychology, 25, 97-109.






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