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Discover Wieslaw Zaremba's captivating painting exhibition, where each canvas tells unfiltered narratives and true stories from personal experiences. These artworks embrace raw authenticity, transcending self-censorship and offering a profound glimpse into life's journey. Experience the powerful allure of painting, which captures truth holistically, free from constraints. Join us in celebrating the timeless beauty of art as it reflects life's essence with unyielding grace.

The painting as a curtain

“Painting does not result from the ability to see, but from the courage to be blind” – this thought of Jacques Derrida expressing the independence of the view and its depiction is especially close to me. To notice the autonomy of the painting, the painter should turn his gaze away from the objects that seduced him. He has to reject all thoughts which made up his theories, dispel all illusions, forget about the matter of the paint in which he dabbled – all to see the painting as an independent entity. Gerhard Richter thusly speaks about eluding theories and the sovereignty of the painting:

Theory has nothing to do with a work of art. Pictures which are interpretable, and which contain a meaning, are bad pictures. A picture presents itself as the Unmanageable, the Illogical, the Meaningless. It demonstrates the endless multiplicity of aspects; it takes away our certainty, because it deprives a thing of its meaning and its name. It shows us the thing in all the manifold significance and infinite variety that preclude the emergence of any single meaning and view.

A contradiction is therefore what constitutes a painting, and ambiguity is its right. As a young artist, I intuitively defined the work of art as a boundary. Over the years that intuition changed into a conviction that the particular form of art which is painting at the same time reveals and hides; it exists at this intersection of functions as a see-through curtain. We don’t know why there are some paintings which we constantly want to have before our eyes and others which we quickly forget. We will never have a complete answer to the question ‘what is a painting?’, because it resists being put into words – it is a part of a cloud, an element of a fog, from which multiplied imagery emerges. We give in to the charm of the curtain, but fictions are nothing bad. Thanks to the ability to create fictions and to believe in them we conquered the world. The reality, however we choose to define it, is woven with pictures.

Krzysztof Wróblewski 

Orta Mahalle, 34956 Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

Telefon: +90 216 483 90 00

Fax: +90 216 483 90 05

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