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Memorandum of Understanding between FASS and Northwestern University

Sabancı University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Northwestern University, ranked 6th among American universities, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to foster collaboration in the field of social sciences. This agreement includes the exchange of students and faculty members, as well as the organization of joint workshops and conferences. In September 2024, Sabanci University already welcomed students and faculty members from Northwestern University in the fields of art history and literature for a study visit. FASS faculty members and graduate students participated in two workshops in 2024- in April and in October organized by the Keyman Center for Turkish Studies at Northwestern University. Additionally, at the end of May 2025, Sabanci University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences will co-host a workshop in collaboration with the Keyman Center for Turkish Studies, featuring faculty members from history, sociology, gender studies, and political science.

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