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There are no field restrictions for applying to the MA Program in History, although PhD applicants must have an MA (or the equivalent) in History, Art and Architectural History, Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science or Literature.

The 2-year MA program offers two options for MA diploma, either with thesis or without thesis. MA with thesis requires 9 courses with three credits each, to be completed by the end of the third semester, and a short thesis to be produced over the fourth semester. MA without thesis, on the other hand, envisages a minimum of 12 courses with three credits each, spread over four semesters, a project, and a finishing exam. The PhD program requires an additional 8 courses plus a minimum of three years for thesis research and submission.

Applications Deadline & Admission Procedures

25 January 2005 is the applications deadline. Admission procedures entail, in addition to (i) a committee review of all files: (ii) a written exam on Monday, 31 January for all applicants from Turkish universities, followed by (iii) an interview on Wednesday, 2 February, for all short-listed candidates. Both exam and interview will be held on the Orhanlı, Tuzla campus of the University.

Important Reminder

Depending on the first-round results, there may or may not be a second round of admissions in June 2005. In case there is a second-round of admissions, the applications deadline will be announced later.

Exam Dates and Interview Locations

As indicated above, the written exam will be held on Monday, January 31, 2005 , at 11:00, and all interviews will also start from 10:00 on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 , at Sabancı University 's Tuzla (Orhanli) campus. The venue will be the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) building. Both the written exam and the interviews will be held in English. For information regarding transportation and the examination rooms, please






The short-list for candidates to be interviewed will have been announced by 16:00 on Tuesday, February 1, 2005 and will be accessible by phone at the FASS Dean's Office.

Finalization of the applications

All admissions and scholarship offers, as well as waiting list and rejection notices, will be finalized through personal letters by March 31, 2005 , at the latest. For applicants failing to submit the required LES or GRE scores with their initial application (i.e. by January 25, 2005 ), any admission and scholarship offers will be conditional upon submitting their missing scores by June 30, 2005 , at the latest. For applicants failing to submit the required IELTS or TOEFL scores with their initial application (i.e. by January 25, 2005 ), any admission and scholarship offers will be conditional upon either (a) their submitting missing scores by June 30, 2005 , at the latest, or (b) taking and passing Sabancı University's own English Language Assessment Exam at registration time in Fall 2005. Failure to do so will render any previous admission and scholarship offers null and void.

Application requirements and documents

Candidates applying for the Master's Program must hold an undergraduate degree or be registered in the last term of an undergraduate program, and likewise, those applying for the Ph.D. Program must either hold an M.A. degree or be registered in the last term of a M.A. Program by the time of the applications deadline. A minimum undergraduate Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.50/4.00 is required to be able to apply to the M.A. Program. In addition, the following documents are required as part of a complete application file :

1.       A minimum TOEFL score of 580/237, or a minimum IELTS score of 7, which must be less than two years old at the time of application. As indicated above, applicants failing to submit a valid TOEFL or IELTS score with their initial application are required to either (a) submit a valid TOEFL or IELTS score by June 30, 2005 , at the latest, or (b) take and pass Sabancı University's English Language Assessment Exam (LAE) at registration time in Fall 2005. Failure to do so will render any previous admission and scholarship offers null and void.

2.       A LES (Lisansüstü Eğitimi Giriş Sınavı) score within the top 8 percent on the Verbal or Equally Weighted scales for all applicants graduating from Turkish universities; alternatively, GRE to replace LES, a minimum total score of 950 Quantitative and Verbal and a minimum 3.5 Analytical Writing score are expected from applicants. Additionally, in order to accept GRE scores in lieu of LES scores, a minimum total score (''quantitative and analytical”) of 1100 is required in accordance with the previous GRE System. All LES scores must be at most two years old, and all GRE scores must be at most five years old by the applications deadline.

3.       Transcript: Undergraduate transcripts for MA applicants, and both undergraduate and MA transcripts for PhD applicants, are required of all candidates. They should be obtained in properly stamped format, and in a closed and sealed envelope, from the Registrar's, Academic Records, Student Records, or Student Services Offices of the candidate's previous university or universities, and submitted in that form to Sabancı University .

4.       Candidates applying to the MA program are asked to submit samples of their written work (including term papers or senior theses, if any); those applying to the Ph.D. program are expected to submit their MA theses (or any chapters completed at the time of application).

5.       Two letters of recommendation, in a format included in the application form.

6.       A passport photograph.

7.       A completed Application Form (please click) including a statement of purpose (min. 1500 words) reflective of their intellectual horizons and research interests.

8.       To repeat, any missing TOEFL, IELTS, GRE or LES scores must be submitted by June, 30, 2005, or else (only in the case of TOEFL or IELTS scores) Sabancı University's own English language Assessment Exam must be taken and passes at registration time in Fall 2005. All admission and scholarship offers made in the absence of such scores are conditional upon fulfillment of this requirement within the given time limits, and will be invalidated by any failure to do so.


Scholarships may comprise a half-tuition waiver, a full tuition waiver, or a tuition waiver combined with a 9-month stipend. These are all competitive, merit-based, and available to all candidates.

Application Address

Sabancı Üniversitesi , Öğrenci Kaynakları Birimi , Orhanlı, Tuzla , 34956, İstanbul.










For Further Information
Phone: +90 216 483 90 90
Personally contact: Akşin Somel
Admissions Officer for the History Program

phone: +90 216 483 9278



Orta Mahalle, 34956 Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

Telephone: +90 216 483 90 00

Fax: +90 216 483 90 05

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