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FASS/VACD lecture series: Ilgım Veryeri from Bilkent University

Lecturer: Ilgım Veryeri


The Sea As A Symbol,
The Sythesis Of Intaglio With Turkish Marbleizing: Ebru

Place: FASS 1015

Time: 5 PM


Veryeri received her BFA in Painting from Mimar Sinan University. She then worked on her Master's degree at California State University, focusing on Studio Arts. In 1999, she received a scholarship from the University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign for Master of Fine Arts degree in Art and Design. While working on her MFA degree, she taught Basic Drawing and Intaglio courses. She has participated in exhibitions in the United States, Italy, Georgia, Turkey, Germany, Poland and Bulgaria. Veryeri has received the 64th State Competition and 30th DYO Competition Printmaking awards. Her work has been included in public collections of Janet Turner and Museo dell’Incisione-Costello dei Paleologi. She has been teaching Drawing, Painting, Art Studio, Printmaking and Art History at Bilkent University since 2002.


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