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Conflıct Resolution Seminar on Trade Negotiations

Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences 

Program in Conflict Analysis and Resolution 
presents a seminar on 
Concurrently Linked Negotiations 
and Negotiation Theory: 
An Examination of Bilateral Trade Negotiations 
in Australia, Singapore and the United States 
Larry Crump, Ph.D. 
Department of International Business and Asian Studies 
Griffith University, Australia 

Tuesday. May 10th, 2005 
11:30 - 13:00 
FASS 2034 All interested are invited. 
Although negotiation theory provides substantial understanding about 
negotiation process and outcome, it does not adequately consider the social 
context in which a negotiation is embedded.  When the element of time is added 
to social context it appears as if a specific negotiation becomes surrounded 
by a flow-of-events.  I argue that this flow-of-events, and hence context, may 
be more clearly understood through the application of linkage theory.  This 
paper reviews the literature on linkage theory and proposes a three-part 
temporal model of negotiation linkage: simultaneous links, concurrent links 
and consecutive links.  I apply this model and a role-based framework (link- 
pin party and linked party) in examining case-study data from two discrete 
negotiations that are concurrently linked in time: Singapore � Australia free- 
trade negotiations (SAFTA: 11/2000 � 2/2003) and United States � Singapore 
free-trade negotiations (USSFTA: 11/2000 � 5/2003).  Case analysis facilitates 
development of propositions and guidance that can assist in (1) determining 
the direction of influence in linked negotiations, (2) managing opportunistic 
behaviour in linked negotiations, (3) managing negotiation strategy and (4) 
gaining negotiation efficiency opportunity through linkage. Following an 
examination of the structural characteristics that appear to determine case- 
study linkage dynamics, this paper builds a four-part structural framework 
that identifies choices and consequences that parties confront in concurrently 
linked negotiations.  The paper concludes by outlining a program of research 
based on a temporal model of negotiation linkage. 

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