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From Figure Drawing to Animation

The exhibition from Drawing to Animation has been held for the third time in the Fass Art Gallery . Works from different mediums such as drawing, painting, and computer based modeling on 2D surface, 3D modeling, as well as video have been assembled by Alex Wong and Wieslaw Zaremba.

The juxtaposition of works such as drawings of ancient sculptures and 3D animation shows how visual language can variously express itself; while at the same time, this juxtaposition forces the spectator to comprehend the inter-dependency of different mediums. Drawing, though, stands at the core of the visual arts. 3D modeling, animation, and video art all employ drawing’s understanding of human beings and its relationship with the human body as well as the 2D space of the paper. Observing these different mediums and seeing how computer based art depends on basic drawing principles or how drawing and perception of the human body itself has changed under the influence of these advanced technologies and computer art constitute a unique experience for the spectator.

This exhibiton explores the intersections and dissimilarities of different mediums in the visual language of art. Works ranging from figure drawing to animation provide an excellent opportunity to witness the beautiful variety and shared concerns of contemporary art.     

The works of 41 Sabancı University students will be exhibited 3rd “From Drawing to Animation” exhibition. 
Curator: Alex Wong and Wieslaw Zaremba  
Exhibited Artwork: The drawing, painting and digital works of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences students. 
Exhibition assistants: Ceren Taşkent, Meriç Algün, Yaprak Gültay, Can Fakıoğlu. 
Participating Students: Oya Çitçi, Cem Şimşek, Deniz Erdem, Emine Gökçek, Gülayşem Şerbetçi, Neslihan Koyuncu, Aytaç Fener, Nur Çakmakkaya, Oğuzhan Ablak, Ceren Taşkent, Meriç Algün, Damla Tamer, Duygu Beykal, Artur Kiraga, Sarper İlter, Mehmet Kösemen, Incifer Guller, Bora Bekiroğlu, Müge Özerten, Merve Ertufan, Ali Halit Diker, Yaprak Gültay, Yasemin Hepgüler, Nazlı Kaptan, Armağan Amcalar, Nagehan Kuralı, Metin Yentur, Sıla Nur Işık, Sarp Şık, Işık Özdemir, Hasan Salih Ay, Can Fakıoğlu, Başak Yenier, Bora Ozan, Berke Soyuer, Betül Çamyar, Elif Süsler, Elif Çiftçioğlu, İpek Kemahlıoğlu, Emre Gönenç Altınok, Aysenur Gogebakan.

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