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Doctoral Scholarships for future executives from Turkey

The Max Weber Center offers
Robert Bosch Doctoral Scholarships
for future executives from Turkey

The program is supported by a grant from the Robert Bosch Stiftung.
Scholarships are made available from 1 October 2007 onwards.

Program Goals

The program aims to intensify contacts between Germany and Turkey attract future young executives from Turkey improve the exchange between academic theory and non-academic practice.

Potential fields for the professional careers of young executives are government, administration, think tanks, research, media, and the economy.

Max Weber Center

The Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies is a specialist institution at the University of Erfurt. It combines an Institute for Advanced Study with a Graduate School: internationally renowned scholars from different disciplines (sociology, economics, religious studies, law, philosophy, theology and history) are appointed as Fellows on a non-permanent basis. Their work contributes to the research program of the Center ( Fellows appointed at the Center pursue research projects that contribute to the core themes of the Center and offer expert knowledge to doctoral candidates and to post-doctoral researchers working in similar fields of research.


The scholarship amounts to 820 EUR/month and can be granted for up to three years. Every fellow is entitled to a work station at the Max Weber Center in Erfurt. Residence in Erfurt and attendance at the Center’s seminars, workshops, and public lectures are mandatory.


Applications for a Robert Bosch Scholarship at the Center are welcome from Turkish nationals who are holders of excellent qualifications in any of the disciplines represented at the Center or in related disciplines. Successful applicants may register for the degree of Dr. rer. pol, Dr. jur. or Dr. phil. according to their area of specialization.

Applicants should possess working-level knowledge of German and English. We provide an intensive language course (starting in July 2007) for all accepted candidates. For this course 400 hours of German language courses taken prior to application are indispensable.


The deadline for applications is the 31 December, 2006. Applications include an outline of the research proposal (5-10 pages), curriculum vitae, copy of the certificate of the university degree with final grades, one copy of the final undergraduate or Master’s Thesis, and a letter of recommendation.

Applications should be addressed to: Dekan des Max-Weber-Kollegs, Professor Dr. Hans Joas, Am Hügel 1, D-99084 Erfurt.

For further inquiry please contact Dr. Bettina Hollstein (Email:

Orta Mahalle, 34956 Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

Telephone: +90 216 483 90 00

Fax: +90 216 483 90 05

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