FASS Faculty Member Selim Birsel's exhibition: Culture Physique
“kültür fizik” - “culture physique”
january – 20 february 2010
The founders of the
But all this did not define
the limits of culture. A new culture was sought for the physique as well, and
starting in the 1930s physical culture became not only a fixture of school
curriculums but a part of life itself, for being healthy and sound was a
principle espoused by the new regime. Women and men, girls and boys, they all
did physical culture in the parks, in gardens and on the squares as they sought
to make the new regime stronger.
Even buildings and other
spaces were designed according to this logic, as the new architecture took
shape according to a ‘healthy, sound’ culture. Light, sterilization, ease –
they were features of the mind, but equally of buildings and open areas.
Through varying stages of
evolution, this phenomenon has continued in
Let’s see how our artists
will look at and approach this long, adventuresome history. How will they bring
together culture and the physique?
Participating artists are;
Filiz Başaran, Selim
Birsel, Bayram Candan, Sakine Çil, Şakir Gökçebağ, Aslımay Altay Göney, Güler
Güngör, Kurucu Koçanoğlu, Komet, Raziye Kubat, Suzy Hug Levy, Yıldız Şermet, Mürüvvet
Türkyılmaz, Y. Bahadır Yıldız