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FASS Faculty Member Lanfranco Aceti's Talk at Chelsea College

Experimenting, Curating and Commissioning: LEA, a Case for Art Experimentation in The Age of Social Media.

A presentation by Lanfanco Aceti, followed by a conversation with Prof. David Garcia, September 27, 2012.
LEA at Chelsea College for the CCW Graduate School Public Research Program.
5:30 – 7:00pm
Thursday 27th September 2012
Red Room
Chelsea College of Art & Design
16 John Islip Street, London SW1P 4JU

Abstract: The current technological developments are re-designing the socio-political landscape within a complex economic context, obliging the art institutions and artists to re-thing old methodologies and find new approaches. The Leonardo Electronic Almanac, under the directorship of Lanfranco Aceti, is responding to these technological challenges with re-newed commitment by creating a series of international synergies that allow multiple project collaborations. Kasa Gallery in Istanbul, Goldsmiths College, Chelsea College, the Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb, Monash University and FACT are some of the institutions that by collaborating are developing new curatorial approaches, art commissions and publications to pursue an integrated and visible approach in the development and testing of creative ideas.

For more information on the presentation:

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