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FILM 435 Invited Speaker: Melek Taylan

Melek Taylan will be attending to FILM 435 class on December 17, 2012, Monday at 10:40 in FASS 1015.

The class is open to everyone.


Who is Melek Taylan?

Melek Taylan graduated from the American College for Girls (Robert College) in Istanbul in 1965. Entered the Department of English Literature of Istanbul University in 1967. In 1971, Taylan left Turkey to live in Geneva, Amsterdam and Bologna. She returned to Turkey in 1974 and graduated from the Department of English Literature of Istanbul University. Taylan joined the Middle East Technical University ( Ankara) Department of Humanities as an English language instructor in 1976. Taylan received her MA in International Relations at the faculty of Political Science (Ankara). In Istanbul, she worked as a press and PR consultant of the Agha Han Foundation. Taylan also worked as a simultaneous translator with the Association of Simultaneous Translators in 1985. She founded Ajans 21 as an Independent Documentary Film Company with associate Nurdan Arca, in 1992. She is now making documentary films in Ajans 21 and has produced three feature length documentary films so far.


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