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Conference participation of VACD faculty members and MA students

Sabancı University, VACVD program faculty members Elif Ayiter, Onur Yazıcıgil and MA students Cem Sina Çetin and Doruk Türkmen will present a co-authored paper entitled “Deconstruction, Legibility and Space: Four Experimental Typographic Practices” at the Di-Egy Fest 0.1 conference to be held at German University at Cairo in Cairo on March 31 – April 2 2013.

In this presentation they wish to show the typographic experimentations of 4 designers, each of whom looks at typography and its implementations from different viewpoints; however with similar goals – namely to investigate: how typographic systems can be implemented, their attributes as carriers of semantic meaning be redefined, and/or their functions be improved upon within the digital medium that presents challenges as well as opportunities that enable graphic designers to reach well beyond the traditional medium of typographic work; i.e., printed paper.

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