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FASS students visited Germany as invitees of the Darmstadt Univ

Master of European Studies students and students selected from the graduate and undergraduate programs of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences visited Germany as invitees of the Darmstadt University from April 7 to 14, 2008. The students attended various meetings in Berlin and Darmstadt together with FASS faculty member; Korel Göymen. Within the general framework of this visit, Darmstadt University Faculty Members and its students, some of whom attended our university under the Erasmus Exchange Program, gave presentations on the German political and administrative systems.

The visit’s Berlin leg constituted of various meetings in the Federal Parliament with senior representatives of German political parties as well as meetings for the evaluation of Turkey’s relations with the European Union. The visit will have a follow up when Sabancı University students will host guests coming from Darmstadt in a similarly structured program framework between September 3 and 10, 2008.



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