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2010 FASS Teaching Awards


Each September, FASS acknowledges four to six outstanding teaching performances in undergraduate and graduate programs, (excluding the university courses for which a separate award is given by the University). The faculty member receiving the FASS teaching award is allocated an additional 500 USD for travels to conferences or visits abroad to academic institutions. The recipients are a small subset of a large FASS family dedicated to teaching; we thank all faculty members for their sustained efforts and investments on the quality of instruction in this institution.

The awards are determined each year by a committee consisting of undergraduate program coordinators or representatives. The committee takes into consideration all sources of information such as course evaluations by the students and program evaluations by the graduating class, student supervision as well as new course development and contributions to the interdisciplinary curricula at FASS. Recipients of the award will be excluded from consideration for the next year.

2010 Recipients of FASS Teaching Awards

Akşin Somel, for his overall teaching performance, in particular in the Diplomatic History courses serving the SPS program, as well as the time, care and effort he devotes to graduate supervision, in thesis and advanced readings courses.

Alex Wong, for his excellent performance and introducing his students to up-to-date techniques in 3D animation and video elective courses in the VAVCD programs, for his careful supervision of students in their studio works, active workshop organization and introducing the students opportunities to exhibit their work.

Ayşe Parla, for her outstanding class performance in her undergraduate and graduate courses, in particular in the CULT BA and MA programs, as well as for an excellent student supervision producing co-authored academic papers.

İzak Atiyas, for his performance in the faculty course ECON 204, other courses in the economics BA program, careful student advising and in particular for the interdisciplinary course he developed with Işık Özel on Turkish Political Economy, serving ES, TS, ECON and POLS graduate programs.

Özgür Kıbrıs, for his outstanding performance in the faculty course ECON 201, the graduate economics course ECON 501 and in particular for his contribution to interdisciplinarity by very successfully developing a new course in formal modeling to graduate students with little or no economics background. In addition, his PhD student İpek Gürsel Tapkı graduated this June with two excellent SSCI papers and a recent revise-and-resubmit.


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