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Turkey-Armenia Fellowship Scheme by Hrant Dink Foundation

63 organisations from Turkey,
25 from Armenia are ready to act as Host
Organisations for fellows from the neighbouring country.

The Hrant Dink Foundation has established the Turkey-Armenia Fellowship Scheme with a view to promote cross-border affiliation and cooperation of professionals from the two neighbouring countries within the framework of the programme Support to the Armenia-Turkey Normalisation Process financed by the European Union. The Fellowship Scheme will offer 18 professionals from Armenia and Turkey the opportunity to live and follow a special programme at a specific Host Organisation in the neighbouring country for four to eight months. Individuals are also invited to propose their own project ideas, other than the fellowship opportunities offered by the listed Host Organisations.

The Fellowship Scheme aims to enable cross-border learning opportunities in areas where further exchange of expertise and lasting cooperation is much needed, such as academia, civil society, media, culture and arts, translation and interpreting/language-learning and law.

For further information about the Turkey-Armenia Fellowship Scheme and the programs of the Host Organisations please click here.

Who Can Apply?

• Academics and independent researchers
• Human rights activists, feminists, LGBTI activists, environment activists
• Journalists, reporters, photojournalists
• Photographers, artists in residence, designers, architects
• Writers, translators
• Legal experts, public relations experts
• Any individual willing to propose his/her own project ideas

The Fellowship Scheme is open to applications of citizens and legal residents of Turkey and Armenia. The fellow candidates shall fill in the English Application Form the latest by July 20th, 2014, attach two reference letters and their CV, and send their applications to Before filling in and submitting your application, please read the Turkey-Armenia Fellowship Scheme Regulation, which includes the objectives and eligibility criteria. Hrant Dink Foundation will compile all incoming applications and will submit them to the relevant Host Organisations, which will then identify their preferred candidates. The Fellowship Scheme launched thanks to the financial assistance of the European Union has a limited budget to support 18 fellows. In case more than 18 fellow candidates are matched with Host Organisations, a Selection Committee with three members from Turkey and Armenia will determine the ultimate 18 fellows. The Selection Committee members will function within their own capacity and with their own experience and judgments, their assessment can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the organisations they are affiliated with.

For further information and questions, you can contact the project coordinators Zeynep Sungur and Anush Babajanyan at

Turkey-Armenia Fellowship Scheme Selection Committee
Arevik Saribekyan
İbrahim Betil
Sema Kılıçer

The Turkey-Armenia Fellowship Scheme
is financed by the European Union
within the framework of the programme
Support to the Armenia-Turkey Normalisation Process.

Orta Mahalle, 34956 Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

Telephone: +90 216 483 90 00

Fax: +90 216 483 90 05

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