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Didem Erk (VACD MA '12) attends Mediterranea 17 Young Artists Biennale


Didem Erk (VACD MA '12) will be participating the Mediterranea 17 Young Artists Biennale organized by BJCEM and the City of Milan.





Mediterranea 17 Young Artists Biennale is the seventeen edition of the Biennial of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean, a project born on 1985 by the International network Bjcem. 58 members from 17 countries, gathering together cultural institutions as well as independent organizations, compose the network, whose aim is to create opportunities for the young artists to produce and showcase their works and to support their mobility and learning process.

Mediterranea 17 is promoted by Bjcem and the City of Milan in the framework of the EXPO in Città programme, and will take place in Milan, Italy, at Fabbrica del Vapore, 4 Procaccini Street, from October 22nd to November 22nd 2015, bringing together more than 300 artists, which will be present in town from October 22nd to October 25th.

The artists involved include visual artists, filmmakers, writers, performers, musicians, designers, stylists and chefs, coming from more than 20 countries. The artists have been selected through an International Call promoted by Bjcem in close cooperation with all the associated partners in Europe, Middle East and North Africa. Local or national juries, made by experts in the different fields, belonging to Bjcem members, have selected the participating artists.
The areas of interest are: Visual Arts, Applied Arts (Architecture, Industrial Design, Web Design, Fashion, Digital Creation), Storytelling, Performance (Theatre, Dance, Metropolitan Performance), Music, Cinema/Video and Gastronomy.

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