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FASS Faculty Member Meltem Müftüler-Baç's new H2020 projects

Meltem Müftüler-Baç participates in two new H2020 projects granted by the European Commission in July 2018. One of these H2020 projects is InDivEU (2019-2022)- Integrating Diversity in the European Union, on differentiated integration and is coordinated by the European University Institute in Florence, and the other H2020 is MAGYC (2019-2023)-Migration Governance and Asylum Crisis, on new migration challenges which is coordinated by the University of Liege in Belgium. 

Müftüler-Baç is also on the Advisory Board for two other H2020 projects- FEUTURES (2016-2019)- on Turkey-EU relations coordinated by IAI in Rome and EU-List (2018-2021) on European Foreign Policy coordinated by Free University Berlin.  Her previous EU research projects were RECON (2006-2012), Transworld (2012-2015) and MAXCAP (2013-2016).

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