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Ayşecan Terzioğlu Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Faculty Member (216) 483 9272 aysecanterzioglusabanciunivedu

Faculty Member


Ph.D in Cultural Anthropology- The City University of New York-The Graduate Center, Department of Anthropology MA Sociology- Bogazici University BA Sociology-Bogazici University

Areas of Interest

Globalization and Health Inequalities, Illness Experiences and Narratives, Gender, Anthropology of Body, Anthropology of Middle East

Book Section / Chapter
Publications Prior to SU

“Hep bu Suriyelilerin Yüzünden!”:  Istanbul’daki Sağlık Çalışanlarının Gözünden Suriyeli Çocukların Sağlığı (This is All because of Syrians: Syrian Children’s Health from the Perspective of Health Care Workers in Istanbul), Toplum ve Bilim (Science and Society),  Sayı 134, November, 2015, pg: 102-118


Sağlık: Modern Tıp İdeolojisinden Yurttaş Örgütlenmelerine, (Health: From the Ideology of Modern Medicine to Grassroots Citizens’ Organizations), Ayşecan Terzioğlu, Ayşe Çavdar, Saha, İnsani Güvenlik Penceresinden 2000’ler Türkiyesi, ( Saha: The Human Security Issues in Turkey in the 2000s),  Helsinki Yurttaşlar Derneği (Helsinki Human Rights Assemblee), September, 2015:1, pg: 39-46


"Le Tourisme Médical en Turquie: Repenser la Santé dans un Contexte Globalisé" in Ethnologie Française, Numero Spéciale sur La Turquie, Vol. 44, Avril, 2014, pg: 257-266 

"Conceptions of Quality of Life, Body and Gender among Turkish Breast Cancer Patients" in Antropologia Portuguesa,  Vol 29, Spring 2012, pg: 11-24

Terzioğlu, Ayşecan, Rauchumschleierte Berge: Die Debatte den Tschernobyl-Effekt in der Türkei (Smoke Wrapped around the Mountains: The Debate on Chernobyl Effect in Turkey), Politik und Gesellschaft nach Tschernobyl: Ost-Europäische Perspektiven (The Politics and Society After Chernobyl: (East) European Perspectives), Melanie Arnt (ed), Ch. Links, 2016, pg: 104-129

Health Care for All? : Rethinking Medical Tourism and Asylum- Seekers’ Health in Turkey, The Making Neoliberal Turkey, Cenk Özbay, Maral Erol, Ayşecan Terzioğlu &Umut Türem (eds), Routledge, Spring, 2016, pg:  149-167   


“Küreselleşme, Kanser ve Hastalık Anlatıları: Bilinçli/Bilinçsiz Hastadan Biyolojik Vatandaşlığa Geçiş Süreci” (Globalization, Cancer and Illness Narratives: from Conscientious/ Unconscientious Patients to Biological Citizens ), Neoliberalizm ve Mahremiyet:Türkiye’de Beden, Sağlık ve Cinsellik, (Neoliberalism and Intimacy: Health, Body and Sexuality in Turkey), Cenk Özbay, Ayşecan Terzioğlu, Yeşim Yasin (eds), Metis Yayınevi, 2011. pg: 111-132


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