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Selçuk Artut Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Faculty Member (216) 483 9319 selcukartutsabanciunivedu

Faculty Member


2013 European Graduate School, PhD Media Communications, Switzerland
2005 Middlesex University, MA Sonic Arts, London
1999 Koc University College of Arts and Sciences, BSc.Mathematics

Areas of Interest

Sound Design, Digital Art, Multimedia, Interactive Design, Philosophy of Technology, Creativity and Technology


Musical Work Owners' Association of Turkey - MESAM, Association of Music Interpreters - MUYORBIR

Book Section / Chapter
Publications Prior to SU

Papers in Conference Proceedings Artut, Selçuk , "Amarok Pikap – Percussion Playing Truck ", SMC Sound and Music Computing Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 2013 Artut, Selçuk and Ocalan, Cem, "NewsPaperBox – Online News Space: a visual model for representing the social space of a website ", The 3rd International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics: IMSCI 2009, USA: IIIS - IMSCI, July 2009 Ayiter, Elif and Balcısoy, Selim and Germen, Murat and Artut, Selçuk, "Propagating collaboration: An instructional methodology for artists and engineers", Schneiderman, B and Fischer, B and Giaccardi, E and Eisenberg, B (eds.), CC2007: Seeding Creativity: Tools, Media and Environments, Washington, DC, USA : ACM Press, June 2007, 45-52 Germen, Murat and Artut, Selçuk and Ayiter, Elif and Balcısoy, Selim and Sharir, Yacov, "The representation and navigation of complex data" Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe: 24th eCAADe Conference, Volos, Greece: University of Thessaly, September 2006, 711-720 Artut, Selçuk, ‘Enabling the Children with Cerebral Palsy to Interact’, International Conference on Communication, Media, Technology and Design, Istanbul, TR 2014

Papers in Academic Journals Artut, Selçuk and Ocalan, Cem, "NewsPaperBox – Online News Space: a visual model for representing the social space of a website ", The Journal on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Volume 8 – Number 1 Year 2010 ISSN: 1690-4524

Books Teknoloji-İnsan Birlikteliği by Selçuk ARTUT, Ayrıntı Yayıncılık ISBN : 9789755399379, [2014] (in Turkish) Data-Reality by Selçuk ARTUT, Atropos Press ISBN : 098942846X, [2013] (available on Forever / Sonsuza by Selçuk ARTUT, CDAProjects Artist Book [2011] A/B by Selcuk ARTUT, American Hospital Publications, ISBN : 978-975-6523-20-9 [2010]

Book Chapters Artut, Selçuk and Güzererler, Ahmet, “Sonicfields : An Immersed Sonic Experience” : The Visual and Performing Arts: An International Anthology: Volume II Edited by Stephen Andrew Arbury, ATINER 2012 Artut, Selçuk, “Augmented Sculptures: What You See is not What You See” : Arts and Technology: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Springer International Publishing, 2015

Music Releases

EP No1 - 2013 Ada Müzik  

Biz Burada Yok İken  - 2012 Ada Müzik

Zerre -  2008 Peyote Müzik   

FM - 2006 Rh Pozitif   

Avaz - 2005 Doublemoon

Dadaruhi - 2002 Ada Müzik

Köledoyuran - 2000 Ada Müzik

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